English Online’s Lead of Settlement Services, Natalia Aleko presented LIT2T at the 16th Manitoba Language Sector Gathering. The event was held on Nov. 16, 2018 at the Centro Caboto Centre in Winnipeg. The LearnIT2teach Project http://learnit2teach.ca is supported by IRCC to offer LINC teachers and managers in IRCC-funded programs the tools and training to integrate blended learning or technology enhanced language learning (TELL) into language training programs. English Online represents the LearnIT2Teach project in Manitoba and provides training and mentorship to local project participants.
The event gathered executive directors, program coordinators/managers, head teachers, and lead teachers from either formal or informal language programs from all over the province. Discussed were updates from federal and provincial partners, emerging trends, program updates, and specific language gaps and needs throughout the sector. The event was organized by the Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO) in cooperation with Manitoba Education and Training.