About Us

Our Mission

To provide a comprehensive online environment that brings the best resources, people and technology together to address newcomers’ unique needs for settlement and integration into the workplace and the community.

What We Do

English Online believes that high quality English language learning materials and instructional support should be easily accessible to learners, teachers, and institutions, whenever and wherever they may be. Using an open access technology-based platform, we facilitate learning, connect people to the latest online learning content, and assist organizations highlight their services for new immigrants to Manitoba.

Our strategic advantage is our on-demand access to learning resources for those bound by geographical or time constraints. Through our online materials, we also supplement teacher-led classroom learning to help speed-up learning and retention.

As a not-for-profit organization, we strictly adhere to approved standards and best practices established in the settlement community to ensure a consistent, measurable approach to online learning content, development, and delivery.

For Manitoban newcomers

We provide reliable information on 12 settlement themes to ease their transition in their new home. Articles provide the latest information, contain relevant links to essential community resources, and are crafted to motivate and provide inspiration.

We also offer flexible and personalized learning options online that fit the availability and learning styles of newcomers to Manitoba. Using Web 2.0 tools, we deliver courses and activities designed for Self-Directed Learning. Depending on learner preference, newcomers can learn with a group, by themselves, one-on-one, or peer-to-peer.

For institutions, settlement service organizations and community groups

We highlight services provided by other settlement service organizations on our website. We also provide our effective and innovative materials by sharing our expertise and resources openly online.

For EAL teachers

English Online links teachers to resources for effective EAL/ESL instruction, and provides technical support and venues for professional development. We support networking and collaboration within the EAL/ESL community to encourage interaction, discussion, and sharing of best practices, latest tools, and resources using educational technology to continually elevate the teaching practice.

English Online Experience

Since its inception, English Online has become part of the settlement journey of countless newcomers. We share in their desire for a better life, which we support through easily accessible resources for learning English and life in Manitoba. Here are some of their stories.

What We Offer

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For more information about our projects, visit Our Projects.


This fiscal year 2015-2016, English Online Inc.’s core funder is Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Western Region. We also receive revenue through agreements with Synerqic Solutions and TVLT New Media Language Training.

Meet the Team

Our Projects


Annual Reports



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